Marketing - SEO
We offer you a wide range of website marketing alternatives,
priced for all budgets.
With a clientele of more than 1,000 businesses, ClicNet Télécommunications Inc. offers you an integrated solution and unique expertise in e-commerce covering all aspects of marketing products and services on the internet. This approach helps our customers find and seize new business opportunities as they arise, without investing considerable funds in infrastructure, software or specialized staff. At ClicNet Télécommunications Inc. we believe that an internet marketing strategy should not be improvised, and we never recommend "quick and easy tricks" that might get you banned from search engines. We prefer to build up a loyal clientele of qualified customers, using proven methods.
Depending on your particular situation, we can suggest a plan to help you reach your goals.
Do not hesitate to contact us if you are a member of a program other than those displayed above. ClicShopTM is compatible with most membership solutions; just contact one of our representatives for more information.

Google Analytics - Paramount statistics...
Google Analytics is a total solution which makes it possible to extract the relevant data of your site and to analyze it via a simple interface making it a measuring instrument of performance impossible to circumvent. Powerful, flexible and easy to use functionalities allow you today to consult and to analyze your traffic data in a completely innovative way. Its fast establishment makes it possible to concentrate the maximum of your efforts in the interpretation of the data. Our e-business solution ClicShopTM is compatible with Google Analytics. You can choose to add the basic functions of Analytics and to obtain total returns on your visitors.
Cost: $125
Google Analytics – Complete integration with your store!
Integrate the powerful Analytics e-business module to measure your customers’ behavior and to calculate the return on investment of your AdWords campaigns.
Cost: $1000
Maximize Your Sales
Choose an effective membership program.
Do not hesitate to contact us if you have a membership program other than those displayed above.
ClicShopTM is compatible with most solutions; just contact one of our representatives for more information.